
Today while getting lost in my thoughts I realized I took the rhythm out of my writing. You have to write in a pattern and at regular scheduled times. I lost that, I stopped doing that so please excuse me while I catch you up and get back my rhythm. I actually really miss writing poems but I need a different kind of inspiration for those lines and it doesn't always come to me when I'd like. There will be a moment when I can write phrases or a line but getting something to come before or after sometimes is the hardest task for me. Writing my day and thoughts is different a little easier lol I can tell you my feelings based on what happened and how it makes me feel but poetry takes a certain level creativity that doesn't always like to be present. You really have to do things on a consistent bases for a period of time and it will become a habit and be a part of what you do. Another reason why these short entries are my starting point. AGAIN. But I'm ok with my failures be...