This time of the year as we all know it seems to be when people are putting up the typical “new year new me” or “I’m not taking this drama with me into the new year” and the list goes on. Truth be told people don’t keep these so called New Year resolutions. We seem to think that because of the date change we can all of sudden become a more on time person, a workout addict, and build a savings account in 3 weeks. I think that we lose sight of a few things in the process of trying to do better. So here are a few feel good reminders and tips to help encourage you along the way. Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to change everything that you feel is wrong or needs repair in your life all at once. Make a list of the top 5 to 10 depending on your list and work on one or two from the list to concentrate on each month. By the time the month is up it would pretty much be a habit then each following month add one to two more from the list. You could get a lot done in a year. ...